Of course, you can if you want to. It’s based on your determination. Folks of all ages have been successful at this. So, the question is do you really want it?

No, that’s why we go through the effort of screening and getting to know each other to see if we are a good fit for each other. I’m sure everyone wants to be healthy, but everyone is not willing to do what it takes to achieve and maintain health.
If you are willing, we are able to help you.

This program is designed for busy people, which is the point. You develop good habits that serve you not only in your busy life but for the rest of your life.

Programs range from 3 months to 12 months. The length depends on where you are when you start. The most common program is designed for 6 months.

We focus on you getting healthy and reversing disease by following the five pillars of health that include detox, nutrition, fitness, hormone testing and coaching you step by step along the way. We also pay attention to reducing stress and supporting your nervous system. We give you the tools you need to build healthy habits that lead to Better Health Better Life.

Absolutely not. We don’t sell food. We show you how to shop for the best and most nutritious foods of your choice. We do not run a diet program, we run a wellness program that has a good healthy diet for whatever your needs are.

Insurance pays for stuff that happens to you. We focus on keeping stuff from happening to you. So, insurance won’t pay for you to prevent heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases, but only after these things happen to you. We feel you are worth the investment it takes to obtain and maintain your good health. So, while we don’t take insurance for services at our Edison Institute of Wellness, we can still help you.

Yes, indeed it is. We have many people who are on fixed incomes who invest in their health and save lots of money going forward by not having the expensive medications, procedures and surgeries they avoided by taking control of their health. We offer a wide range of financing options for those willing to invest in her health.

Our program is virtual, and you can be anywhere in the world and yet be right there with us. We offer videos and regular check-in emails, telemedicine and anything you need to comfortably complete your program.

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Take Charge – How to Achieve Lasting Health: