Edison Health Care Associates has been offering the services in Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine for many years. We provide a full service primary care practice that treats most common adult diseases. We provide a full palette of diagnostic services and traditional treatments.

We also provide addiction services in the form of counseling and MAT(medication assisted treatment). Our opiate agonist program uses buprenorphine(Suboxone) both subliguinal and injectable(Sublicade). We have successfully treated hundreds of patients over the years and improved their lives. We have long employed Telemedicine services and since Covid-19 we have maintained and expanded these services. Because of the need for physical distancing we will continue to make Telemedicine a major part of the way we provide services in this new paradigm.


Detoxification is ridding the body of impurities and harmful substances. It does not have to be a strenuous, difficult procedure as it is often misconstrued as being. We assist you through this process in a smooth and comfortable manner that serves as a necessary foundation in your march to good health.


Good nutrition is essential to any effort to achieve good health. We do not even use the word “diet” which puts the emphasis on weight loss. While weight loss is good, it is only a result of good nutrition because nutrition is the goal. Weight loss is a pleasant by product of proper nutrition that avoids the starvation/yo-yo up and down syndrome that diets are so famous for. Good nutrition is a lifestyle change that will serve you for the rest of your life.


We were designed to be mobile and move about. We don’t have to train as Olympic hopefuls to be fit and fitness can be a part of the busiest lifestyles. It is an integral part of better health that cannot be ignored. We teach you how to make fitness a crucial part of your healthy new lifestyle in a comfortable manner regardless of age.

Hormone Analysis

It is well established that hormones play a crucial role in your health. We check your hormone levels and individualize your treatment based on what is appropriate for you. We do not employ a one size fits all approach to your treatment


We believe that everyone needs a coach in any endeavor, and we serve as that guide you need. We show you how to take care of yourself and achieve your health goals with information that you can use for the rest of your life. Like a good basketball coach, we don’t shoot the ball for you, but we teach you how to position yourself for the best free throw, bank shot, or 3 point shot possible. We help you bring out the best in you for your Better Health Better Life.

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Take Charge – How to Achieve Lasting Health: