This wellness program is the result of many years of experience and successful treatment of many clients that is now formally organized into a separate service to ensure the opportunity for our members to maximize their health. Your health is the most important factor in your wellbeing and the absence of it makes a full satisfying life a very difficult proposition. 

 Here at Edison Institute of Wellness we educate you, we guide you and show you how to take charge of your health and change your life for the better. Thus, Better Health Better Life.

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Our Services


Detoxification is ridding the body of impurities and harmful substances. It does not have to be a strenuous, difficult procedure as it is often misconstrued as being. We assist you through this process in a smooth and comfortable manner that serves as a necessary foundation in your march to good health.


Good nutrition is essential to any effort to achieve good health. We do not even use the word “diet” which puts the emphasis on weight loss. While weight loss is good, it is only a result of good nutrition because nutrition is the goal. Weight loss is a pleasant by product of proper nutrition that avoids the starvation/yo-yo up and down syndrome that diets are so famous for. Good nutrition is a lifestyle change that will serve you for the rest of your life.


We were designed to be mobile and move about. We don’t have to train as Olympic hopefuls to be fit and fitness can be a part of the busiest lifestyles. It is an integral part of better health that cannot be ignored. We teach you how to make fitness a crucial part of your healthy new lifestyle in a comfortable manner regardless of age.

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Take Charge – How to Achieve Lasting Health: